what does art mean to me?

art has been an emotional journey for me ever since i first picked up a pencil. it started out as an ego, then it turned into an ego i had to maintain. what could have been fun drawing was quickly something i did becuase i felt like i had to. a neroses in where failing to make "good" art was failing the expectiations and hopes of others. once i graduated highschool i had this terrible combination of avoiding drawing but also feeling like it was my while puropsoe in life. at the back of my every waking moment was a need to create, but i was shackled by an insurmountable fear wittling away at my will..... one day last year though, i picked up my old camera and went outto take some pics, an then i went home and edited them, and afterwards i had a very big revelation. i just had /fun/ wiht art. entirely on accident, but all for the better. ir ealised whta it felt like to create for the sole skae of exploration. for the sake of myself. art is something that should align with who you are, and what you want, and looks different every single day of your life. you can learn life lesssons from creating art, and you can create art from life lessons. ever since i foudn what i want art to feel like, i try my best to take my own life with the same ebb and flow. in and out, give and take, inout and output, over and over.

what do i enjoy in others art?

when it comes to the art i like to look at, ive always had a fancy for a few things. 1. I like when people explore what is considered "ugly" but in a beautiful light. things that are old, tarnished, abnormally textured. I have a very soft spot in my heart for the hated, and am very bored of the beautiful weve seen beauty before! theres enough conventionality! the world is so crammed full of an obsession with goodness, success, and prowess that its no longer an art but an expectation. and whats the fun in that? 2. i love good texture and overlaying images onto one another =^.^=

Photographers I admire:

traditional artists I admire:

Did somebody say texture?????

texturetexturetexture. get photos for these. if the page gets too big possibly add links to my own personal article for why i like these artists. perhaps a tidbit on what i like about art in general. (oh but doesnt that answer change by the minute!)