this is much more for me than anyone else. if it helps you that is coincidental but im glad.

remember to take agency. remember that there is a game to be played with life. remember that you can do anything, as in you are able to (you CAN quit work, but why should we not?). Rememeber to keep your eyes on the prize. Remember to make the world a better palce.

Below is a little form of things I ask myself from time to time. These will not be submittable, and will not save onto my computer nor will i be able to see them. Theyre for you, reader.

Who do i want to be right now. What types of things does that type of person do? And what things that that person does /can/ i be doing right now?

is it that serious? if i remember that its all temporary, and it will pass, is it still that serious? will it matter in a year? would the person i want to be take it that serious? and if it is that serious, what would the person i want to be do about it, if they can do anything at all.

are you getting everything you need?

these are reminders i try to keep at my core. when shit hits the fan and the going gets tough, its nice to remember these things. dont be afraid to be yourself. dont be afraid to live a bit differently. and even if youre afraid... do it afraid.

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