Remember to have fun!

Welcome to my fashion corner! im hoping to write some words on this subject, but nothing i could say would be better than this article by Put This On about "six suggestions for developing personal style." fashion is daunting, and hard to learn, and worse off is we all change and grow (literally and metophorically) over time, so its a challenge to stay on top of how the current you wants to dress! (assuming you even have the disposable income to do so). but thats why i always argue for doing your best to have fun with what you wear. some people seem to get caught up in silly arguments like "are overalls good" or "how to dress to make women like me" but those questions should rather be irrelevant if youre asking yourself instead "what do i want to wear?" style should be about expressing yourself, even if the type of guy you are is a plain tshirt and jeans enthusiast. this has the added benefit of the type of people who will think youre cool will know what kind of guy you are by how you present yourself. if you dye your hair bright pink, other colorful girlies will flock to you. if you get into tech wear, similar people will find you. and if you dress like basic joe, youll find your other basic daves to gossip at the watercooler with.

to add: fat fashionistas i admire, couture i enjoy, the art of clothes, the love of makeup.